My Daily Vitamin Routine

Daily multi vitamin
Daily multi vitamin

I sometimes get asked what I take for my daily vitamins. So, here it is. I prefer a mix of chewables and pills just because chewables taste pretty good and it makes me feel like I am not just swallowing a handful of pills. In the chewable form I take 5000 units on Vitamin D (at the top) and 2000 MG of Vitamin C. I also take a baby aspirin, multi vitamin and 50 MG zinc.


Vitamin D is important to have in your body year-round, but especially in the winter months as the days get shorter and we spend less time outside.

Baby Aspirin helps prevents the formation of some blood clots. This is important to take because our blood vessels could build up plaque as we age. Should one of these plaques break off and become logged in an artery or vein. Blood flow will be blocked, and baby aspirin keeps the blood thin to minimize damage this could cause. It’s no reason this is the first medication delivered when someone is suspected of having a cardiac event.


The multi vitamin is good to make sure you are getting at least some of your required nutrients if you’re not getting them completely from your diet.


Zinc is an important supplement for men and helps support healthy testosterone levels.


Fish oil is good for your cardiovascular system and Vitamin C helps fight disease.


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