4 Reasons Why You Should Buy My Book, How Frugal Frank Got What He Wanted

Cover of How Frugal Frank Got What He Wanted
  • Have you ever regretted buying a book? I’ve only regretted buying one book and that one book is what led me to writing Frugal Frank so I actually don’t regret it anymore.
  • By buying a kids book about money you are voting against this stigma in our society that talking about money is taboo. Money is not evil and although money doesn’t equal happiness, it sure does help. Making, keeping, and accumulating money is an art form that should be learned. Why not start your kid’s education on personal finance while they’re young?
  • Its only $12. $12 for a kids book is pretty fair especially considering the potential upside of what you and your kids could learn from the book. Things such as: money doesn’t grow on trees, it takes perseverance to accomplish goals, don’t rely on other people to get you what you want; go out there and make things happen.
  • It could motivate you or your kid to start taking some meaningful action on your goals, dreams or things you want out of life. At worst you spend $12 on another shitty kids book that you’ll end up giving away at Goodwill. But, at best, you and your family get a book that changes your perspective on personal finance and decision making. This could be the book that serves as a building block to learning bigger and more complex ways to attain and build wealth. This book is the definition of low-risk high reward.

Link to book: https://tinyurl.com/2p8mjaex

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