2022- The Year of Discomfort

Starting a business from scratch is very very hard to do. This month I’ll be starting two of them One is a vending machine business and the other is a digital media business. I know nothing about either one of these businesses. On top of a steep learning curve is the amount of money invested in each of these businesses. I recently cashed out my brokerage account earnings and became as liquid as I could without dipping into my retirement accounts. In total, I am putting about $30,000 on the line. Did I mention that I bought a third rental property over the summer and wrote a children’s book?

                               $30,000 Education

I have patience and I know it will be a while before I make my money back. I am banking on me, Dan Fernandez, to put in the time and effort to see returns from these businesses. While I am going through mental torment right now thinking about this approach or that approach and very uncomfortable with the initial cash outlay, I am confident that there will be some sort of return on my money. I am almost certain that I’ll make my money back. Even If I did next to nothing, time will repay me. In the worst-case scenario this month and the months to follow will be a $30,000 education on businesses and all elements that go into it.

                                     It’s All On You

When you are the owner and you start a business from nothing, there is a lot more to it than thinking of a plan. I must do think and do almost everything. There is marketing, sourcing vendors, thinking of best strategies to get my product to market, keep track of expenses, setting up bank accounts, setting up legal frameworks and the list goes on. Unlike a W2 job where you are given a project, there is nobody coming from upstairs to help you. Your efforts are congruent with your returns. Do nothing for your business or your idea and it will die. Feed, water, and work daily on your business and it will grow.

                            Success Is Your Duty

The learning experience and being that far out of my comfort zone make me, well, uncomfortable. But discomfort is the seed that blooms into prosperity and growth. If we aren’t growing and learning, then what else are we doing but dying? Grant Cardone really hit the nail on the head when we wrote 10X. Becoming successful really does take ten time the effort than you think it does. Only when you’re putting 10X effort into all things you do that you’ll experience success. And success is your duty.

                          Throw Spaghetti Noodles

Some people ask why I do all these things and try this or try that. They look at my social media and roll their eyes about all the projects and businesses I am working on. They probably think that I am throwing a big plate of spaghetti noodles at the wall and seeing what sticks. In all actuality, that’s exactly what I am doing, and I am not scared or embarrassed to admit it. How else do you learn what works and what doesn’t? It certainly not by clocking in to your W2 job every day and watching the clock until your 65 years old and praying there is enough there to live a comfortable retirement. Who wants to wait until they’re 65 to start living? You might not even like to the age of 50.

Of all the things I have learned about business and success this one principle stuck with me. You will never save your way to wealth. You must grow your income, use the tax laws to your advantage and make money while you sleep. This is true for even elite W2 earners such as doctors and lawyers. The uber successful ones start their own practices and leverage employees to make money for their business.

                            Love The Haters

While I am going through the shit storm right now, I have the foresight to see that this time will be one that separates my life into before the shit storm of 2022 and after the shit storm of 2022. Before the shit storm was rat race Dan and after this shit storm will be financial free Dan. And yes, I will continue to throw spaghetti at every wall I see to see what sticks. If you don’t like it or it makes you uncomfortable to see that someone out there is trying to make a difference in their life and generational wealth I don’t care. Unfollow me, hate me from a distance and throw your shade. If you don’t have haters, then you aren’t doing something right.