I Will Teach You To Be Rich

I Will Teach You To Be Rich

By Ramit Sethi

Ramit’s book is a practical approach to personal finance and a breath of fresh air from the old school mentality of cost cutting your way to financial independence. He advocates for spending frivolously on the things you love and cutting mercilessly on the things you don’t. He also advocates using credit cards for points and dividing your saving and checking account into different “money buckets”. He also re-enforced my confidence in Vanguard as one of the best brokerage solutions out there for individual investors and encouraged taking advantage of automation. Below is the one of the golden nuggets from the book, the ideal investment breakdown:

30% Total stock market index/equities

20% Total international stock market index/equities

20% REIT index/equities

15% short term inflation protected securities

5% short term treasury index fund

5% intermediate term treasury index funds

5% long term treasury index funds

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