Atomic Habits

By James Clear

Atomic Habits is a fabulously written book with clearly worded calls to action. James did a great job not adding fluff and theory, but rather stuck to brass tactics that can be put to use this moment. Here are some of my favorite quotes, sayings, and thoughts from the book in regards to habits:

Cue – Craving – Response – Reward

  • The Plateau of Latent Potential- “When you finally break through the Plateau of Latent Potential people will call it an overnight success. The outside world only sees the most dramatic event rather than all that preceded it. But you know that it’s the work you did long ago- when it seemed that you weren’t making any progress- that makes the jump today possible.
  • True Behavior Change is Identity Change. The goal is not to read 1 book, it’s to become a reader. The goal is not to run a marathon, it’s to become a runner.
  • The punch line is clear: people who make a specific plan for when and where they will perform a new habit are more likely to follow through.
  • B=f(P,E). Behavior is a function of a person in their environment. A reliable approach is to cut bad habits off at the source. One of the most practical ways to eliminate a bad habit is to reduce exposure to the cue that causes it. Instead of summoning a new dose of willpower whenever you want to do the right thing, your energy would be better spent optimizing your environment.

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