Alternative Health Insurance

Shows a picture of a healthy smoothie
Ingredients that go into the alternative health insurance
Shows a picture of a healthy smoothie

When I was starting out as a personal trainer I didn’t have health insurance. I jokingly called my daily smoothie “Alternative Health Insurance” because the thinking was that 

the ingredients that went into the smoothie would keep me from getting sick and therefore keep me from ever seeing a doctor. At the start, my smoothie evolved a bunch to take on and tweak ingredients, but it has now remained the same for over 10 years. Here is how is goes:

  1. Start by adding some frozen berry medley (the best place to get these bags of frozen fruit from is by far Trader Joes). I also break off a chunk of Acai to throw in.
  2. Next add about 1.5-2 cups of whole milk. I use whole milk because it tastes better and FAT IS NOT THE ENEMY.
  3. Next I add the powders. I add a whole serving of protein powder, PB2, and green superfoods. When I have it, I’ll also add about a tablespoon of flaxseed for some good fats and fiber.
  4. Add a little more water, 1/2 a banana, a pinch of salt and some cinnamon (optional). 
  5. Blend it up and enjoy.

This makes enough for me to have 2 glasses worth plus some to share with the wife and kids so you may need to tweak the amounts depending on how many servings you make.

And yes, its always better to eat your fruit than to drink it because of the fiber argument, but I find that drinking this a few days a week is much more convenient than always keeping a bunch of fresh fruit on hand.

The one ingredient  I miss the most if frozen Goji Berries. These used to be available at Whole Foods at now, I cant find them anywhere. If someone knows where to find them, please let me know!

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