Its always darkest before the dawn. I love this quote. It can be used in so many situations and scenarios in real life. Today I am using it to describe that time of the year where you get a case of the “fuck its”.

Its mid-February. Its cold as hell outside. The days are short and all you want to do is stay warm and eat comfort food. The past couple of weeks I’ve noticed my weight creeping up slightly. I know, because I weigh myself every single day and sometimes a couple times per day.

I think the important thing to do and remember during this time of year is that some weight gain is nearly inevitable. When this happens, and espcially when we are trying hard to keep the weight off, the human condition can sometime get a case of the fuck its.

“I am gaining weight even though I’ve been trying to lose weight, well fuck it- I’d rather enjoy myself and gain the weight rather than work my ass of and still gain weight.”

“Why the hell do I care so much about how I look? I am close to 40 years old, married and have kids. Fuck it”

“I’ve already had 2 Oreos after dinner so fuck it, might as well have a few more at this point.”

While its ok to have a temporary case of the fuck its, and by temporary I mean 1 fleeting moment not all day, all week or all month. The important thing is that through this tough time you are sticking to your habits. Keep the habit momentum going through January, February and March. Keep going to the gym, keep eating the right foods and keep taking care of your body.

Spring and summer will eventually be here and would you rather start at even stephen or have to dig yourself out of a 2 month case of the fuck its?

I say its always darkest before the dawn because mid February to mid March can be the most coldest and depressing time of the year. However, right after that period comes spring and summer. You’ll be glad you stuck to your habits through the tough times so you can reap the benefits of your efforts come the spring.