Corona Virus 2020

Despite the danger we put ourselves in I have never been more happy with my career choice than right now. Virtually every private sector employee is without work, without pay, or both. While I am putting myself at risk responding to calls and treating possible COVID 19 patients, I have a well paying job and job security. On top of this, I am expecting a tax refund, lower child care expenses, and a stimulus package check from Uncle Sam.

Please don’t be one the firemen out there making a shit storm about not earning hazard pay, double time or some other compensation for having to work in the current environment. We should be proud to work in this environment. We signed up for this job to run towards danger while others run from danger. We are medically trained and trusted by our citizens to respond and provide the best care possible no matter the situation- explosions, hazmat spills, house fires, active shooters or a pandemic. It’s literally what we are paid to do.

For those of you who may have some cash on the sidelines and you are wondering how you can best use it. The best answer is almost always to fund your Roth IRA. I, personally, don’t think that the recent trend upward in the stock market is based on any real economic indicators other than people feeling happy and optimistic that congress actually passed an economic relief package. I still think the shit has yet to hit the fan with COVID 19 and I am waiting for the shit storm to peak before funding my Roth.

The rest of the money will be separated into allocations that are inevitably going to happen. For me, I know the day that we will need to replace our current personal vehicles is coming. I am no expert but I believe the bottom has yet to come with the stock market and when that day comes, the markets are going to have a dramatic upswing once the virus breaks. That will hopefully grow whatever money I invest to make purchasing the vehicle more affordable.

Categorized as Money

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