How Frugal Frank was Born- Financial Literacy for Kids

I’ve been searching high and low for a book about financial literacy to read to my kids. Our bedtimes are pretty routine. I’ll read to one kid and Mandy will read to the other and we switch every night. That 30 minutes of 1 on 1 time is so powerful in what can be taught and what is absorbed right before going to sleep.

Over the past few years I have searched for a kids book on the subject. I did find financial lessons weaved into some of the other books we have, but none that were 100% devoted to the topic of money. Finally, the straw broke the camel’s back when I purchased a $15 on Amazon about financial literacy for kids. It was the worst book I had ever read. It was an “adventures” book and didn’t even have an adventure! And I bought it!

I got to thinking. “If this author can put out such crap and a sucker like me just paid $15 for it, I could put out a much better book and charge 25% to 50% less for it.” So I did and that’s how Frugal Frank was born.

I wanted a book that not only taught basic financial literacy, but also mindset principles that create wealth. Basic financial literacy like how to earn money, how to keep it ,and how to make it grow. And mindset principles like delayed gratification, working hard, discipline, and focus.

I am looking forward to the day when I am holding the book in my hand.

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