Alternative Health Insurance

Ingredients that go into the alternative health insurance

When I was starting out as a personal trainer I didn’t have health insurance. I jokingly called my daily smoothie “Alternative Health Insurance” because the thinking was that  the ingredients that went into the smoothie would keep me from getting sick and therefore keep me from ever seeing a doctor. At the start, my smoothie… Continue reading Alternative Health Insurance

Workout Design

The picture to the left is th workout I did yesterday, 1.31.21. For years, the best workouts that I have ever had were written down and planned out the day before. Some of the worst workouts I’ve ever had are the ones where I show up to the gym and just wing it. I cant… Continue reading Workout Design

Categorized as Fitness

I Will Teach You To Be Rich

I Will Teach You To Be Rich By Ramit Sethi Ramit’s book is a practical approach to personal finance and a breath of fresh air from the old school mentality of cost cutting your way to financial independence. He advocates for spending frivolously on the things you love and cutting mercilessly on the things you… Continue reading I Will Teach You To Be Rich

Best Purchases of 2020

If anyone out there is looking for some last minute gifts for their family, I present you with Dan’s best of 2020. Here are 6 of the best purchases I made this year in no particular order. 1. Hello Tushy Bidet. $89. I bought this during the first COVID lockdown when there was a run on… Continue reading Best Purchases of 2020

My Daily Vitamin Routine

I sometimes get asked what I take for my daily vitamins. So, here it is. I prefer a mix of chewables and pills just because chewables taste pretty good and it makes me feel like I am not just swallowing a handful of pills. In the chewable form I take 5000 units on Vitamin D… Continue reading My Daily Vitamin Routine

Categorized as Fitness

The Fitness Industry The Good, The Bad, But Mostly the Ugly

Ah, the fitness industry. I recall a place where I spent nearly a decade of my life building my career. I am not sure if other people who look back at former industries they’ve worked in with as much disgust as I have for the fitness industry. I started out in the field for all… Continue reading The Fitness Industry The Good, The Bad, But Mostly the Ugly