Easy Nutrition 101

Everything you eat is either classified as a carbohydrate, protein or fat. Many foods contain more than 1 of these macronutrients and when that occurs, the food is labeled for the macronutrient it most contains. For example, peanuts are classified as fat because they mostly are, but they also contain carbohydrates. Protein and carbohydrates each… Continue reading Easy Nutrition 101

Vanilla Smoked Ribs

I made the most amazing rack of ribs yesterday and I must share the recipe with you. This is sure to be a hit at the fire station. The base for a lot of pork dishes is a really good rub. Try this rub on ribs and pork shoulder that I started using from Jess Pryles:… Continue reading Vanilla Smoked Ribs

Corona Virus 2020

Despite the danger we put ourselves in I have never been more happy with my career choice than right now. Virtually every private sector employee is without work, without pay, or both. While I am putting myself at risk responding to calls and treating possible COVID 19 patients, I have a well paying job and… Continue reading Corona Virus 2020

Categorized as Money

When to make it rain

When it comes to managing money and financing, I can’t stand holding back on buying something I really want. Everyone’s wants are different. I think you really have to identify whats important to you and spend lavishly on those items. Once you identify whats truly important, you can identify whats not important and cut back… Continue reading When to make it rain

Buckets of Money

One of the best things you can do is set up multiple accounts. Think of these accounts of different “buckets” of money. Technology today has made is really easy for us to manage these buckets by spending just a few minutes a week transferring cash and setting auto pays. I am married so I am… Continue reading Buckets of Money

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