The Importance of Solitude (Quiet Time)

Frugal Frank at quiet time

During periods of solitude is when our best work and brightest ideas come to life. For me, my solitude comes in the early morning before anyone else is up, including the sun. This allows you to create your goals, formulate plans, and take action towards the things you want to accomplish; whatever they may be.… Continue reading The Importance of Solitude (Quiet Time)

4 Reasons Why You Should Buy My Book, How Frugal Frank Got What He Wanted

Cover of How Frugal Frank Got What He Wanted

Have you ever regretted buying a book? I’ve only regretted buying one book and that one book is what led me to writing Frugal Frank so I actually don’t regret it anymore. By buying a kids book about money you are voting against this stigma in our society that talking about money is taboo. Money… Continue reading 4 Reasons Why You Should Buy My Book, How Frugal Frank Got What He Wanted